Jack has been a bit of a daddy's boy lately. He all but leaps out of my arms when Andrew comes into the room and the other day he sat outside the bathroom door the entire time Andrew was in the shower. He just stared up at the door and waited patiently for him to open it again. Yes, it was as cute as it sounds. He's his daddy's biggest fan and I love that.
So there was this time when I was doing too much. I pushed myself all day, mostly on house chores and projects, but I was on the go all day long. I felt run down in a big way. Now, my friends, I'm afraid the pendulum has swung in the other direction. I'm embracing this season of rest and down time and relaxed expectations. It feels good.
It's cold, y'all. We broke out the puffy coats and toboggans this week and it's sort of hilarious how much Jack likes his winter hat. He would wear it all day long if I let him.
Thanks to you fine people, I've kept my mailman busy this week! It's been so fun to have a reason to make something pretty.
I'm going to go heat up a brownie now, scoop on some ice cream and tune into the Hallmark Channel where I'm sure I'll find a mega cheesy Christmas movie that will suck me in in no less than 5 minutes. Tis the season, you know.