Monday, November 7, 2011

weekly snapshots (v1)

I'm back!

I took an unplanned bloggy break last week and I have to say, it was quite nice. Andrew had a few days off so we were able to enjoy some quality time together as a family of four. (Yes, four. Rudy will cut me in my sleep if I leave him out.)

There's much to catch you all up on, but in the meantime, here's a look (in photos) at the last week. I'm thinking of doing this each week so you can get your Jack fix. Besides, I take an obnoxious amount of pictures with my phone - I might as well do something productive with them all.

Picnik collage

+ Two weeks old, in the outfit he wore home from the hospital. He's turning into quite the chunky monkey!
+ Fall has come to Charleston.
+ Rudy feels a little neglected these days. I think he'll come around when Jack starts to pay attention to him.
+ Baby Tar Heel!
+ Morning snuggles.
+ Andrew's home! And barely awake...Rudy wants to know why he doesn't feel like wrestling.

Picnik collage

+ Happy Halloween!
+ The candy/sign we put on the front porch. If you were to read between the lines, you'd see Please keep your germy children and their costumes away from my baby. K, thanks :)
+ Tummy time!
+ Rudy's a good motivator.
+ Just hanging out.
+ My companion when I nurse Jack 547 times a day.

Picnik collage

+ And then I died of cuteness overload.
+ Sweet baby feet.
+ Keeping the sun out of his eyes.
+ "Hmmm, I think I'll have the milk."

Picnik collage

+ Checking himself out in the mirror on his play mat.
+ There are so many beautiful spots in this neighborhood. We're really going to miss it!
+ Rudy wants to know where all the ducks are.
+ Be free, Rudy!

Picnik collage

+ Lunch date at Panera!
+ And Jack snoozed through the whole thing.
+ Lazy afternoon on the couch.
+ Mama's first glass of wine in over nine months! With the baby monitor in the background. How things have changed :)

Picnik collage

+ Napping in the car...
+ ...which means lunch in the car.
+ We heart Chick-fil-a
+ Rudy says, "Come on, Jack. Can't you at least look at me?

And that was our week!

I'm linking up with Amy, since it was her awesome idea to document your week in camera pics...join in on the fun!

7 friends said...:

  1. so cute! jack is precious. love seeing rudy's expressions...i am curious how our two giant monsters will act whenever we bring a baby into the picture.

  2. You should really encourage Rudy to enjoy his peace while it lasts...when Jack gets a little older, Rudy will be hiding behind you to get away from his "new best friend", then you might make the tragic mistake of getting Rudy another dog to share the "love" from Jack, and things really just go down hill from there... ;o)

  3. Great photos. Love that blanket with the pumpkin, olive, and grey stripes. Rudy is adorable. I can tell you and Andrew enjoyed your time together. And of course, JACK. What a little love bug. I could put him on a plate and sop him up with a biscuit. ;) Enjoy every minute. Can't wait to see you and meet him. Seriously. It's getting really hard. The photos help me feel connected, and then make me want to get on a plane even more!!!

  4. Looks like the perfect week, for life with a newborn! You and Rudy both seem to be adjusting well. Rest up, and savor that wine!

  5. I accedentally posted my comment twice, sorry about that! (deleted the repeat)

  6. Jack is growing! I thoroughly enjoy seeing the pictures, and think it's a great idea. One day Jack will appreciate this. Hope you enjoyed your wine, that was important to my bonus daughter too after her baby was born. :-)


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