Monday, November 2, 2009

we're moving!

Don't get too excited - it's not anything fancy. In terms of a Navy update, there isn't one. We're still waiting to find out when his interview date will be, so we're still practicing patience :)

BUT...we're moving! The lease on our apartment ran out a few months ago and we're already paying more than when started because of the garage we're renting and the month to month fees. Yikes. So, we figured that if we're paying more and we know we'll be here for a while, we might as well live in something a little more comfortable. We found a rental house that's a bit closer to work AND it has a huge fenced in backyard for Rudy. It's adorable and I love it.

We move in two weeks and have about 1/25 of the house packed. We're hopefully going to do a little bit at a time over the next two weeks until the big moving day, when Andrew's parents come to help. But ya'll, I'm a teensy bit sad. Remember sentimental Page? She's raging right now. Last night, we started taking the pictures off the wall so we can prime over the paint and I realized that we're moving out of our first home. That's sad.

I had flashbacks to this:

We were setting up our first place - we'd been married less than a month, we both had jobs, we were COMPLETELY happy. It's not so much sad to think of leaving this place, but to think of moving on from a time that has been so simple. Things have been on the brink of crazy for a few months (while we get ready for the potential Navy move) and while it's an exciting opportunity, it's scary to think that this time is gone, you know?

But such is life and we love it anyway. Because it's crazy and unpredictable. Besides, moving means I get to make lists upon lists of things to do/pack. And clearly, that's worth it.

2 friends said...:

  1. Oh girl, I know the feeling! Even though I was sooo exciting to be buying our house and finally moving out to the country...I was still a tad bit sad to be leaving our first home. The first place we lived together, the place where we lived when our boys were born, etc. Obvoiusly, they won't ever remember it and it's just sorta sad. But I'm pretty much over it now, it was just the last couple of days before we actually moved that it was quite sad for me. hehe

    Have fun moving! I have a love/hate relationship with moving. :)

  2. I love moving.. Although that gives my folks a headache.. Good excuse to throw stuff away!! New starts are fun for me..


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