- World's worst haircut happened today. Major recovery tomorrow, which I fear might take off several inches. Hopefully we can make it cute and I won't cry over it. Lame, I know, but I'm sure you ladies understand.
- Andrew broke his toe. A piece of firewood landed on it yesterday at just the right angle to essentially snap it in half. And turn it crooked. Not cute. That means no OCS on January 24. We're off to the orthopedist tomorrow to talk about details/options/healing time. Blah.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
you know, santa claus and ho ho ho, and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls
Thursday, December 24, 2009
merry christmas eve!
- Read the Christmas story before bedtime on Christmas Eve. My mom always did that for Tyler and me and I've always looked forward to doing that for my own kids.
- Spend the ENTIRE season bakings various deserts. Especially the cookies I made last night, which Andrew named "Christmas Spirit Cookie." DELICIOUS.
- Watch a Christmas movie every night (ambitious, I know) from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day.
- Let my kids be Secret Santas to needy families in the community.
- French toast for breakfast on Christmas Day (we're stealing that one from Mrs. Castrodale, per Andrew's request)
- REALLY cute Christmas PJs for the little ones. Of course.
- Ideally, I would love our kids to enjoy a house full of family - hope you all are willing to travel to where we are :)
- I need a traditional Christmas dinner, but I haven't settled on one yet. Suggestions?
- Lots of apple cider.
- This one's my favorite: Andrew takes the babies to pick out a Christmas tree. I stay back to have hot drinks and fresh cookies ready for their return. Then we decorate the tree and watch a movie. And, hooray! the season has started.
Friday, December 18, 2009
tis the season...to ramble
Andrew and I just finished wrapping our Christmas presents. Let me set the stage: lights are on, Christmas candles are lit, we're in our "jingle jammies" and we just finished some apple cider. I'm all about making memories with every single cliche activity you can think of. I love it. My favorite part about the Christmas scene in my house right now?

My mom gave this nativity to me for Christmas last year and I almost cried. I spent about half an hour getting it set up JUST right and every time I look at it I'm sweetly reminded of how precious that moment must have been to Mary. I love it.
Tomorrow, both of our families are coming over for a celebratory Christmas dinner. I'm so excited to host it and even more excited to have a way to thank our families for what they've done to get us to where we are. When Andrew found out that he was accepted into the Navy, I felt like I needed to call 5o0 people and personally thank them for their involvement. Seriously - couldn't have done it without them. If you're reading this and you're related: couldn't have done it without you.
Also, on an unrelated but kind of related note, every time I see that Hallmark commercial where the girl gives her mom a card and says "we couldn't have made it through this last year without you," I think of my mom and how true that is for me and I cry. EVERY STINKIN' TIME.
Anyway, the families are coming over. I'll give you details later and maybe even some pictures if you're lucky. So I'm a little anxious about preparing, but mostly excited. Rudy, however, is thrilled.

Can't you tell? There's our boy - snoozing off and on in the corner. Ya'll, we LOVE that dog. What a blessing and joy he is. He seriously loves us like you would not believe. Every morning when Andrew lets him out of his crate downstairs, the first thing he wants to do is come find me. So he runs upstairs and looks all around (even though I'm always still in the bed) and when he finds me, he lays his ears back, wags his tail like a maniac and jumps up to lick my hand. Love it. So cute.
Not sure where this is going or where I meant for it to go. Just something for you to read in case you were tired of checking in to the same post. New Years Resolution: blog more.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
a funny conversation
Sunday, December 6, 2009
santa brought andrew a J-O-B!
6:30 am (Page at Aunt Anne's, Andrew at the hotel): Get a text from Andrew that says he's on his way to the interview, but can't call. And he loves me.
7am: get up, with butterflies in my tummy, to get ready for the day.
9am - 1:30pm: camp out at Starbucks to work, watch the minutes drag by. Talk to work friends about how waiting is terrible. Call Mrs. Castrodale to talk about how waiting is terrible. Text Andrew (who can't have his phone on, but whatever) and tell him that waiting is terrible. Wish it wasn't the middle of the night where Martha is/wish she lived next door because now's the time I want to call her.
1:30pm: Walk back to Aunt Anne's apartment because waiting like this should not be done alone.
2pm - 2:30pm: Eat some cheese and crackers for lunch (nothing more because of the butterflies) and chat with Aunt Anne about what our life will be like if he gets it.
2:30pm - 3pm: Set up in Aunt Anne's office to do some more work. Every 5 minutes or so, we each pipe up from our respective rooms to ask if the other is as anxious. We are.
3:15pm: I have an epiphany. The Admiral interviews are only supposed to last 5 minutes and they start at 1pm. If Andrew wasn't selected, he'd be long gone by now. He must be filling out paperwork! Discuss my hypothesis with Aunt Anne and she agrees. We jump up and down a little bit, but decide not to get our hopes up. After all, maybe the Admiral was just running late and they haven't gotten started?
3:30pm: Randomly decide to check navynupoc.blogspot.com which has been our guide through this whole process. See this post: http://navynupoc.blogspot.com/. Run to tell Aunt Anne that he was either accepted or reinvited and I'm okay with either. She agrees and we jump up and down again.
3:45pm: I decide that even though Andrew hasn't called me yet to tell me I can pick him up, I'm tired of waiting. Ask Aunt Anne if I should go and she whole-heartedly says yes. (Love her!)
5pm: Arrive at Andrew's hotel, texting him to tell him where I am. It was supposed to take 15 minutes, but traffic in DC is a beast and it took an hour. I'm frazzled and concerned that I can't find him.
5:15pm: I see him walk out of the hotel and I get out of the car to flag him down. He sees me, crosses the street and just says "Hey." (Really?)
Andrew: Hey
Me: Well?
Andrew: I got it. (big smile)
You would think that I would start freaking out, but all I could do was cry. Ya'll, I am SO PROUD my husband. He has worked so hard for this and there has been so much riding on this that all I could do was cry - out of relief and joy and gratefulness that once again, the Lord has blessed us beyond belief.
So he got it and he leaves on January 24 for OCS. Which means I get just under two months with the boy before he heads out. For that I am thankful. Then? It's an adventure and we absolutely can't wait :)
(Coming soon - by popular demand - will be Christmas pics of the new house and the growing puppy. Stay tuned!)
Monday, November 30, 2009
this is it, don't get scared now
Tomorrow's the big day. In 12 hours, Andrew will be walking to the Naval Yard. In 15 hours, he'll be in the middle of technical interviews. In 18 hours, he'll be meeting with the Admiral. In 20 hours, he'll know whether or not he's been accepted into the Navy. Yikes.
He's already at the hotel - I dropped him off about an hour ago and came back to his Great (emphasize great, as in AMAZING) Aunt's apartment where I'll be staying tonight. I couldn't stay with him at the hotel and we felt like it was too risky to have him stay here with us, across town when he needed to be ready for the interview so early. If he misses it, it won't be on my watch.
So I'm camped out in Aunt Anne's office, catching up on some work, listening to Christmas music and crying in little spurts for no particular reason other than the fact that I'm exhausted and anxious. And about a million other emotions that are pumping through my little heart and have no other escape route.
So, here's what I have to say to you, Andrew...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
three weeks!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
reasons why we love Rudy
- He's ridiculously cute. We can't take him anywhere without getting comments.
- He's really smart. Even thought right now he's freaking out because he can't catch his tail, he's usually brilliant.
- He gets the hiccups about 5 times a day. Usually when he's been startled. Adorable.
- He's determined - this morning he dragged his blanket and 3 toys from the kitchen into the living room so he could lie comfortably in the sun.
- He's curious. Hence the reason he has primer on the tips of his ears and whiskers for the time being.
- He's a true hound dog. He roots stuff out of the woods that I'd rather not discuss.
- When he sleeps, he cuddles this little blue elephant that my mom got him. Precious.
- He's patient with the kids next door that ALWAYS want to pet him. Even the littlest one who always says, "His ears is fluuuffy."
- His favorite snack? Ice. Talk about economical. A dog after Andrew's own heart.
- He's SO sweet. He can absolutely tell when I'm feeling sad or disappointed and he immediately goes into cuddle mode.
Monday, November 2, 2009
we're moving!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
wedding bliss

Thursday, October 22, 2009
i want to be a doer
- Love Jesus so much that it makes me love everyone around me. Regardless of whether or not I like them.
- Be a healthy eater.
- Start a Christmas tradition of anonymously leaving dinner/presents for a family in the community.
- Be a completely selfless wife.
- Travel to places that make me aware of the world outside of my little one.
- Adopt a little girl from China and name her after my grandmother.
- Have a home that my kids' friends feel comfortable and loved in.
- Teach my kids to love Jesus so much that it makes them love everyone around them.
- Never stop learning.
- Experience things that are outside my comfort zone.
- Love on kids who aren't being loved on.
- Always be filled with joy.
Those are my musings for now. Do with them what you wish...
Monday, October 12, 2009
monday night blues
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
life with the new addition
- He is a SNUGGLER. He will wiggle and scootch and fuss until he's positioned just under your arm with his cute little head in your lap.
- He's smart. And we're excited about that.
- He used to yelp any time he was left unattended, but we implemented a squirt bottle and within a few hours we had that under control. Now he cowers when he hears us shake the bottle.
- He has a few toys, but the one he loves the most is one that my mom got him. A blue, terry cloth elephant, BoBo. He's had it for 4 days and he takes it everywhere. Pretty cute.
- When he has a toy, we'll say "Get it Rudy" and he shakes it rapidly from side to side, growling. My little guard dog :)
- We're not sure what he is, but we think he's got some hound in him. He'll track all kinds of stuff - frogs, bugs, rabbits. And when I say track, I mean stop in his tracks, stick his tail straight up and dig in the rocks until the creature crawls out and he can chase it. We tell him all the time that he's a hound doggg, like Copper.
- Bojangles is like crack for that kid. He smelled ours this weekend, but we didn't give him any and he was still hyper for about 2 hours. He's a maniac.
- We had the pleasure of spending $150 for a shot of Benadryl on Saturday when he had an allergic reaction to something that made his face swell up and his eye swell shut. That was fun.
- Things he's learned today: he pawed on the door to go outside, he was left alone in the kitchen while we went to dinner for THREE HOURS and he didn't have an accident (and was asleep when we got back) and he learned how to go up/down the stairs. The down part was freaking hilarious when he was trying to learn.
- He's awesome and completes our family perfectly.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
some big, big news. BIG.
(WARNING WARNING: THIS IS A LONG ONE - And no, I'm not pregnant. We've got Rudy, remember?)
It's actually been quite a week in terms of big news. We got iPhones (super cheap because I'm a bargain hunter). We got a dog. Jon is leaving Jon and Kate +8. Hellooooo, it just seems that the timing is perfect to launch this as well.
Short story: Andrew is applying for the Navy. And he already made it through phase 1 of 2 (!!!)
Long story: As you all probably know by now, the boy has been unemployed for almost a year. Sometimes I can't believe that it's been that long, that we've made it this long without falling apart at the seams, that the Lord has been so good as to bless us with the patience and strength to get through this time. But as the months started rolling by, we started wondering what the next step was. Andrew was considering the military B.P. (as we call it, before Page), so it was already on his mind, but we decided long before we even got married that the military wasn't the best setup for newlyweds. And we put that idea to rest.
But then, after many conversations about Andrew's passions and long-term goals, and after he made incredible grades this summer (the program he was considering B.P. is very physics/math heavy), we decided to look into the military option a little more. And after a lot of planning/praying he's pursuing a program in the Navy that would make him an officer on a nuclear-powered submarine. At this point in the process, his application has been accepted (!!!) and he's waiting on a date where he'll go to Washington, DC for several rounds of final interviews. I have to mention that the application process is supposed to be the hardest/most competitive of the whole process, not the interview. So I'm uber proud of this smart man that I married for getting through that phase. In September, they accepted 24 out of 25 interviewers in DC, so we're hoping for the same stats at his interview! If he's accepted in DC, it's official right then and there. He'll leave on the payroll and start planning for OCS (bootcamp for officers).
Here's the scoop (if accepted):
1. OCS for 12 weeks in Rhode Island (Rudy and I will hold the fort down back here)
2. Move to Charleston for a year so Andrew can go to nuke school (Charleston? Ok, twist my arm, I’ll go…)
3. Move somewhere else close to the water. Andrew will spend 2 years going in and out on a submarine (Rudy and I will hold down that fort, ticking away the days that Andrew’s gone and making the most of the days when he’s around)
4. Move somewhere else where he would have some sort of desk job for 2 more years (i.e. Pentagon, ROTC at a university, teaching at the nuke school)
5. DONE. The commitment is up after 5 years (including school) and he'll essentially have a degree in nuclear engineering and some awesome leadership experience.
All in all, we're really excited about where the Lord is taking us with this. It's an adventure and we welcome it with open arms. We’ll keep you updated on the details as they come in. In the meantime, we’d love a prayer or two in our name.
“Sometimes the only way is jumping, I hope you’re not afraid of heights…”
Friday, September 25, 2009
Meet Rudy

Thursday, September 24, 2009
holy hot stones, that was fantastic
Friday, September 18, 2009
break out your fuzzy socks, folks
Friday, September 11, 2009
the good life
Saturday, August 29, 2009
where in the world are the castrodales?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Back to Thursday. Isn't it great? Friday is wonderful in its own right, with no explanation. Monday just gets two thumbs down. Tuesday is pretty horrible, too because you're still recovering from Monday but you're not close enough to Friday to make it feel worth it. And Wednesday is hump day, which I guess is cool, but Thursday wins, hands down.
In case you were wondering.
Also, there's a store across the street that is temporarily a Halloween Store. I hate that. I don't really know why, but seasonal stores are kind of annoying to me. What's the point of letting a building sit empty for 10 months, when you could just make it easy and put a holiday store there. They could sell any holiday stuff (Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day, 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas....) all year round. I think people would really like that. I would love it. Christmas any time I want? Heck yeah.
Well there's your random thought(s) for the day. And there's Martha.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
a quick update/random babble
Thursday, July 30, 2009
hold the phone
("Reunited and it feels so good..." just started playing in my head. Yikes.)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
for better or worse
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
the list maker
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
happy birthday, love
- You have such a servant's heart. Whether it's unloading the dishwasher while I cook dinner or fixing me a glass of water before bed, you are always eager to help.
- You make me laugh. Most often not when you're trying, and that's how I like it.
- You're patient.
- You love Jesus.
- You eat anything I put in front of you and tell me that it's good.
- You tell me 900 times a day that you love me.
- You tell me 900 times a day that you think I'm pretty.
- You're really smart and interested in interesting things.
- You love my family as much as I do.
- You're smart with money, which makes me confident about our financial future.
- You humor me. ALL THE TIME.
- You don't seem to mind that I veto El Rodeo every Friday night.
- You didn't protest when I put my graduation cap and gown, along with some mardi gras beads, on your Michael Jordan cutout.
- And of course, you're not bad to look at.
I love you!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
happy...one year and four months anniversary?
The replica was cute...
But not as a cute as the original!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"I just want to see the White House"
We drove up for the weekend, so it was a short trip, but well worth it. Andrew's Aunt Anne was kind enough to host us and be our personal chauffeur, tour guide, chef, etc. I'm certain that the trip wouldn't have been nearly as fun without her! She's lived in DC for decades, so it was interesting to hear her take on history as she's watched it unfold over the years. To be honest, I'm completely fascinated by her and could listen to her stories for hours!
This was my first trip to DC and it was the perfect introduction. We had the best time and I absolutely can't wait to get back. Thanks, Aunt Anne, for being such a lovely host!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
the eagle has landed
Friday, June 19, 2009
- A Happy Birthday sticky note in my purse, courtesy of The Mr.
- Lots of well wishes from friends and family.
- The annual birthday call with Nanny Dee, whose birthday is also June 18th. Which I love and think makes my birthday 100x more special.
- A birthday song from my mom, who said "happy birthday dear Mom...I mean Paaage" because of the confusion of the shared birthday with Nanny.
- A birthday chat with Martha - who comes home in just a few weeks! I'm so excited I can't stand it!
- A yummy lunch with the co-workers, complete with funfetti cupcakes and mimosas later that afternoon. And a Happy Birthday banner/balloons. (Actually, the balloons came from Business Week to promote their new edition of the magazine, but someone got creative with a magic marker and personalized them for me.)
- A beautiful purple orchid sitting in the passenger seat when Andrew picked me up, along with the SWEETEST card ever written (and the promise to take me shopping this weekend!)
- A glorious dinner from PF Changs. Um, splurge? Ok! And my birthday fortune read: Your happy heart brings joy and peace where there is none. How sweet!
- A collection of birthday cards that have come in the mail over the week.
- Scrabble. Courtesy of my lovely in-laws who sent me some play money. And since I've been wanting Scrabble for a while, we went straight to Target after dinner.
We finished the evening with an episode of Friends and then Andrew had to hit the books for a test he had today. But that was fine, because I watched four episodes of House Hunters and added some things to my Idea Book in the process. (FYI: the Idea Book is the renter's way of staying sane when you really want your own house but know you have to wait.)
So the verdict? GREAT birthday.
And when I woke up this morning, Andrew whispered "Happy Day After Your Birthday."
I'm a lucky, lucky girl.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I married a smart man
Way to go, love!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
some thoughts
- We go to church so early, that when we come home and eat "lunch," it's usually not even 11am yet. That always throws off me off.
- I got a haircut yesterday. Nothing crazy, but I like it.
- Tyler is graduating from high school next weekend and that is WEIRD. Good weird, though.
- I keep forgetting that I'm obsessed with shoes. Since we don't have any money, I like to pretend shop (fill my online shopping cart with everything I love but can't buy) to try and alleviate the desire to have 342 pairs of shoes. It actually works a little bit.
- We have 7 weddings to go to this summer. SEVEN. Three of them already happened, but I'm afraid I'm going to forget some. A few weeks ago we lost the invitation to one and started wondering if we were actually invited, or if we just assumed that we were. We showed up and they didn't seem surprised, so I think we're okay.
- I always think I'm doing a good job of maintaining our blog, and then I see that 10 days have come and gone since the last post. Oops.
- Speaking of shoes, check out these cuties from Target. My birthday's coming up - any takers?
We had dinner with my parents/Tyler last night and it was really fun. We stayed around until 11:30 just hanging out. We love those Johnson's.
The washer is beeping, which means it's time to put clothes in the dryer and start another load. But, it's Sunday and I think God wants me to rest instead. Sweet!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
back to school
The “routine” has been completely rearranged for the past two weeks. I’m not one to like a lot of disruption in my schedule, but I’m actually handling this rather nicely, thank you very much. Before, I would get up around 7am, shower and get ready while Andrew fixed me breakfast and packed my lunch. While I was at work, he would take care of laundry, errands, dishes, etc and would start dinner for me by the time I got home. It was NICE. But, all good things must come to an end, and I jumped back into wife mode rather quickly.
Now, I get up at 6:15am in time to throw on some clothes, pour his coffee and drive him to the bus stop for the 6:45 bus. Then I come home and do a little Fly Lady dance before getting ready for work. Andrew takes the bus back to my office around 5:30 and we head home together where we try to stay awake through dinner. It’s much different than being waited on hand and foot, but I like it. I’ve always known that I was hotwired to be a wife/mother so I enjoy having that job back – the wife part, anyway. The mother part isn’t happening anytime soon. Unless you want to feed and clothe our babes?
So, that’s our news. We’re thinking about taking a trip in June (to celebrate for our birthdays) so stay tuned for that. Otherwise, it’s all quiet…
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
fun in the sun

- Beautiful sunsets
- Card games
- Lots and lots of reading
- Lots and lots of napping
- Evening walks
- Fighting crabs (not humans fighting crabs, crabs fighting crabs - over a crab home)
- Cute toenail polish
- Fireworks
- REALLY good food
- Kites - including one that washed up on shore and Andrew manage to untangle
- Lots and lots of laughing
It was a great trip - one that I hope will continue for summers to come. Thanks to the Mr. and Mrs. for being wonderful hosts and letting us in on all the fun. We love you guys!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
a family getaway

Jealous? We're spending the week with Andrew's family at a beach house and we are VERY excited. Especially after the constant dreariness we've experienced this week in terms of weather. I have a stack of books and a new bathing suit waiting to get packed up. Oh boy :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
good news!
But all in all, this is very good news. Andrew lost his job almost 6 months ago and it hasn't been until now that something has come along that feels somewhat mobilizing. Here's to hoping for straight A's!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
our weekend update (in case you were wondering)
And this is Hubert...
So that was part 1 – celebrating the birth of my favorite teenager and watching him raise his little duck.
Part 2 was equally amazing. Spring came and went and we enjoyed 90 degree weather all weekend. We decided, kind of at the last minute, to drive for the beach for the day on Saturday. It was the perfect excursion and very relaxing. We’re going to the beach with Andrew’s family in two weeks and our little day trip gave us just enough of a taste to make us extremely anxious for that vacation. I would lay on the beach every day if I could. And I mean it.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
spring is springing
We enjoyed the great weather with lunch and a leisurely walk around town, but then we set off to find a way to invite spring into our homes. My mom insisted on getting me some new placemats and dishtowels for the kitchen, all of which are loud with springy prints and perfectly lovely. Then, much to our excitement, we happened to pass a nursery on the way home where we each picked out a hanging basket and a pot of gerbera daisies. It’s true, my friends. Spring has sprung. And enjoying that with my mother may be favorite part about the season.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
come out, come out wherever you are

Friday, April 10, 2009
what do you think?
Happy Easter, folks.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
the university of national champions
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
welcome to the jungle
Anyway, at this beloved store, we found a six-foot Majestic Palm…for $12! It’s nestled in the corner of our living room now, greeting us with open arms. I’d like to say that we got out only spending $12, but there were other plants (and their pots) and a few table lamps and some containers and little kitchen utensils that I passed before we got to the checkout (genius, they are). Oh well, at least we have plants now.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
the charleston travelogue
Day 1:
We left just before 9am on Saturday morning, grabbed lunch on the road and made it into town about 2pm. We made great time. We checked in, put our bags away and then set out to explore. We spent hours wandering around the local neighborhoods, admiring the houses and peeking into the beautiful gardens. We decided to walk back toward the hotel to find somewhere to eat dinner, and ended up at AW Shucks. I got a tshirt to honor the meal where I had the most amazing crab legs I've ever tasted :)
Day 2
Breakfast was included at our hotel, so we got up early Sunday morning (our anniversary!) to eat before the walking tour we had scheduled. I loved the room where we had breakfast - the white tablecloths, yellow walls, daisies and natural light made it such a happy room! And we were able to eat at the window that looked out over the street. We met our tour guide and found out that we were the only two for the tour. It was a great way to see the town. Because it was Sunday and most everyone was checking out, the only people out were the locals on their way to church.
After the tour, we grabbed quick lunch and walked to the waterfront park near our hotel. We spent about an hour on a bench, looking at the boats on the water and people-watching. It was so relaxing to sit in the sun and enjoy the view! We headed back to the hotel in time to watch the Carolina-Duke game (GO HEELS!) and then we got ready for dinner. We had an amazing meal at High Cotton to celebrate a great year, then we spent a few hours walking along the water before we could barely keep our eyes open and decided to turn in for the night!
Day 3
We got up early on Monday, packed up and headed to breakfast. The plan was the check out and leave our bags at the hotel until we were ready to leave town. We spent a little while at the waterfront park and then we walked around some of the neighborhoods in search of a home to tour. We found the Calhoun Mansion (24,000 square feet!) just in time for the next scheduled tour. It was beautiful! It's so amazing how detailed the architecture is of these houses.
After that tour, we had lunch outside at a restaurant that sits on the water. We even saw dolphins! I tried to get a picture, but my camera wasn't fast enough. After resting at lunch, we got the car to pick up our bags and hit the road. We decided to go out of the way a little and try to find an old plantation to tour on the way back to the interstate. We ended up at Drayton Hall, where I quickly became obsessed with the view of the grounds. It was breathtaking. We wandered around there for a few hours and the began to make the trek back to North Carolina.