Thursday, July 29, 2010
new horizons
Things are good here in the Castrodale household - busy, but good. That's how we roll, you know. Andrew starts school on Monday (eeks!) so we've been doing our best to make the most of this week. I see some downtown adventures in our future for this weekend and I'm molto eccitato - that's "very excited" for those of you that no parlano Italiano.
So, typical me, I'm already making a list of things to keep me busy while the boy commits to being at school FOR THIRTEEN HOURS A DAY. Good grief, Navy, how about you just take my husband for the next five years and be done with it? I do have a little project in the works that I'm excited to tell you all about once it's been finished. Perhaps I'll do a big reveal this weekend? Maybe.
Oh AND I'm taking a jewelry-making class next week at this adorable little shop in town called Craft Happy. I'm super excited about that. As we take on this new challenge of saving as much as possible and being as thrifty as possible (more on that later) I've decided that one good way to save money is to MAKE gifts instead of buying them. So I need a few more skills in my arsenal so I can just crank out something when a birthday rolls around. People love that stuff.
That's all for now, folks. Until next time...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
memory lane
We stayed with my parents, which is always a treat, so I made the trek out to the office twice - traveling past our old haunt. When I passed the exit for our very first apartment, I was struck with how nostalgic it felt. We moved out not even a year ago (wow) but it feels like a lifetime ago. In a lot of ways, it was a completely different world. Side note: I just realized that we've lived three different places in the last year. Holy smokes, I need a little consistency in my life.
The time we spent in that apartment was We were completely in love and COMPLETELY happy. Really, we were so content with our life. And we didn't have much. We were on one income for a majority of the time, for crying out loud, and we never felt troubled. God was/is so good. We had the perfect space for two newlyweds, a ton of hand-me-downs that made our house a home and a place that was all us. A little bit of Andrew, a little bit of Page. Perfect.
Then came Rudy - the little disruptive homewrecker that he was - and whisperings of other big changes, and we set our life on a course that would change everything. We moved out so we could get a yard for the dog in a neighborhood where Andrew felt comfortable leaving me behind. And you know all about the leaving me behind part.
So there I was, driving down I-40, past the exit that headed back in our former direction and I was amazed at how much has changed. When we were in Concord, Andrew was looking at one of our engagement pictures framed in his room and his mom commented that the people in that picture had no idea of the life ahead of them. Understatement of the century.
But we're here and the funny thing is that we're still completely in love and COMPLETELY happy. It's not simple by any stretch of imagination, but it's perfect. Perfect for us.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
you can take the boy out of OCS...

We got behind a girl in an SUV yesterday, with the ubiquitous palmetto and moon decal, a stick girl with shopping bags, and a stick girl doing this pose:
This girl looks happy, doesn't she? The stick girl looked happy, too, with her adorable little side ponytail. Here's the conversation that took place:
Page: What do you think she's trying to tell people about herself?
Andrew: Maybe that she's a fun SC girl who likes to go shopping?
Page: Maybe. What's that other one? Is she stretching? Oh, I think that's a yoga pose. I bet she likes yoga.
Andrew: No, I think her drill instructor just said, "Put your hands over your head right now! Stand on one foot right now!"
Does anyone else think this is hilarious? I did. I laughed. A LOT.
Poor guy. That's part of his very being now, I guess. You really can't take OCS out of the boy...
Monday, July 19, 2010
warning: you might cry
Friday, July 16, 2010
fdn: fulton five
We celebrated on Wednesday because it was the boy's bday (Happy Birthday, boo!). Holy, Italian food - this place was good. On our plates:
Filet rubbed in espresso and a red wine-dark chocolate reduction sauce, asparagus and garlic whipped potatoes (For Andrew)
Lobster claw meat, roasted red and yellow bell peppers, sweet corn tossed in pasta and a lobster cream sauce (For me)
And Tiramisu, which Andrew deemed the best he's ever had.
Yummm. We shared a lot, obvi. And his filet was more than phenomenal. Can I please rub espresso on everything and cook it in chocolate for the rest of my life? Heaven, help me.
Charleston, please take pity on our arteries.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
here's to the birthday boy
For kicks, I looked back at last year's birthday post. I still mean every one of those things, so that's good. I have a million more things on that list - and you know how much I love lists - so here are a few more that I would like to include this year:
- You just went on a rant about all the things you checked off your list today. On your bday. You little worker bee, you.
- You do things because they're right for us. I really don't think you've ever made a decision without thinking of how it will affect the two of us together.
- You are stinking cute when you get all flustered about cool submarine things.
- You like letting me decorate. At least you pretend like you're enjoying it.
- You STILL tell me I'm pretty a bagillion times a day.
- And you're still pretty darn handsome. Even if you did shave off your eyebrow.
So today, and every day, I hope you know that you are loved. By your family and my family and our friends and of course, your two favorites...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
ode to an eyebrow
It appears as though he was going a little too quickly with the clippers. When your husband is cutting his hair and you hear "uh-oh" from the other room, you know something hilarious has happened. He thought about shaving off the other one to make it even, but I couldn't let him go that far. He already looks like Powder with his hair that short - I can't imagine what he'll look like with no eyebrows. And don't worry, a Google search revealed that eyebrow hairs are the slowest growing hairs on the human body. So this will be his new look for a while.
He says he's going to tell people he was in a knife fight. I told him that would only work if he had a cool scar. Sorry, Patch, you'll just have to stick with "I accidentally shaved off half of my eyebrow."
Monday, July 12, 2010
pantry overhaul
After spending several years trying to answer the supposedly incredibly complicated question of how we should eat in order to be maximally healthy, I discovered the answer was shockingly simple: eat real food, not too much of it, and more plants than meat. Or, put another way, get off the modern western diet, with its abundance of processed food, refined grains and sugars, and its sore lack of vegetables, whole grains and fruit.His rules aren't that difficult to follow. And really, you'll be better for even just remembering a handful of the 64. For me, these are the ones that are forever ingrained in my brain:
- Don't eat anything with ingredients you can't pronounce.
- Don't eat anything with sugar in the first three ingredients (they're listed in order of abundance).
- Sugar is sugar, whether it's low-cal, high fructose corn syrup or organic - it's still sugar.
- Treat treats as treats. You can still eat an Oreo, you just can't eat 3 every night after dinner.
- EAT REAL THINGS: real meat, real grains, real fruit. Don't eat the processed stuff, it's no good.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
i got the fever
- Turn our antique secretary, into a mail center and a place to pay the bills.
- Paint that kitchen island and figure out how to make it more functional.
- Hang some pictures. Somewhere.
- Turn the school desk I DID buy at Goodwill into a nightstand, replacing the one I butchered last weekend.
- Give this blah black and white lamp to my right some flair.
- Re-sew the pillows on the couch and figure out why the stitching came out to begin with.
- Consider this for my own kitchen canister-dilemma.
- Sew a valence for the kitchen window.
- Recover the ottoman for our bedroom.
- Find a wingback chair for SO cheap that I can pay a professional to reupholster it.
Friday, July 9, 2010
the out-of-towners
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
summa, summa, summa time...
The first thing on our list, which we crossed off this week, was to spend some time at the beach with the Castrodale/Dixon clan. It was a last-minute rearrangment that allowed us to go, but we pulled it off and had a blast. Here are the other works-in-progress:
- Finish decorating. Okay, maybe that one's only mine, but Andrew helps! I still need to put the finishing touches on almost every room in the house, so my sewing machine better be ready.
- Set up the front porch and patio. We have a couple of pieces that we want to spray paint and we're still on the hunt for some patio furniture. But we did get a grill and I'm pretty sure we've used it for every dinner since we got it. Happy Birthday to us!
- Explore the Farmers Market downtown. The one here is perfect for the essential produce, but the one downtown is supposed to be awesome. And it's open through December! There's one benefit to living in this balmy climate...
- Read, duh. I didn't get started until we went to the beach, but I've already knocked out a couple, including South of Broad by Pat Conroy. It seemed appropriate, given our current situation. I need to finish A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller and then I have a few others on my list. Including Mudbound, which I'm really excited about.
- Make a budget. Andrew keeps our budget in his head and I need it on paper to stick to it. Trust me, it's better this way.
- Venture downtown. I'm sad to say that we haven't been out there yet. We've only been here for 3 weeks, and we've been busy, but I don't want to waste a single second. Or a single morsel of delicious food.
- Get in shape. It's true - we have to do it. Our goal is to at least play tennis a couple of times a week. We'll see what follows. I tried to convince Andrew that a Wii is a good workout, but he's not buying it. Literally.
- Eat whole. I've been reading a little bit here and there about the organic/whole/natural lifestyle lately, but I wasn't sure if I was prepared to make the leap. Then I read Food Rules and realized that it's not as difficult as one would think. And my ever-intelligent aunt proved the same thing when she blogged about the transition this week. So starting this weekend, we're making the jump. More on that later.
I'm known to bite off more than I can chew, so maybe I should stop there. We also need to make a "while we're in Charleston" list, but that will come another day. This should keep us busy for a while.
Happy summer adventures, everyone!