Thursday, May 27, 2010
greetings, from newport!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
the time has come
Sunday, May 23, 2010
summertime makeover
Friday, May 21, 2010
she works hard for the money
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
rudy the warrior
Monday, May 17, 2010
a chili kind of day
Friday, May 14, 2010
oh, hey friday
I could pick him up early, but he would really enjoy having the afternoon there. Besides, I really would enjoy the time to myself (like I don't have time to myself 80% of the day) and the longer he plays, the earlier he'll fall asleep tonight.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
coming soon
- A new design: in honor of summer and Charleston and changes
- A peek into some photos I've taken in my photography class (you didn't know I was taking a photography class, did you??)
- A recap of some craftiness
- Some thoughts on Navy life post-OCS
- A few funny Andrew stories from the last week
- My party plan for the welcome back/bon voyage extravaganza
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
craft room on-the-go

Sunday, May 9, 2010
my mom is better than your mom
- She's the most selfless person I know. She would, hands down, rather do something for someone else rather than herself.
- She's beautiful. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember loving to watch her eyes when she smiled.
- She has my sense of humor. When we're together, we just laugh and laugh and laugh. One of my favorite memories is of the Christmas break before Andrew and I got married. She and I were busy rearranging things to accommodate my move and all the gifts we'd been getting. Something set us off and we sat in the hallway for several minutes, paralyzed with laughter. Nothing's better, my friends.
- She doesn't judge. You can tell this woman anything and she'll listen with open ears, not once making you feel exposed.
- She loves HARD. Friends. Family. God. If she loves it, she's all in. If there's one thing she's taught me, it's that life isn't worth living any other way.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
a wife of noble character, who can find?
Me: Did you get your package?
Andrew: YES.
Me: Did you like everything in it?
Andrew: Page. I've been sharing with the guys and man, you are a hit.
- Walked outside, just to look around
- Ate with his right hand
- Ate with a fork
- Wore his khakis (he sent me a picture of himself and WHOA, is he handsome!)
- Listened to music
- Watched a baseball game on the TV in the workout room
He also said that at breakfast/lunch, he felt so uncomfortable eating freely that he didn't enjoy it. He said he had this constant feeling of "I'm about to get in trouble." But it wore off by dinner and in addition to the standard meat and potatoes, he enjoyed 4 bananas and 13 pats of peanut butter. Yeah, that sounds about right...
He also said that the guys worked out in the staff gym, which comes equipped with a sterio and TVs. He was adorable: "Page, I got to watch the Red Sox game! And one of the guys put on 50 Cent! I feel like I'm in college."
Needless to say, he's enjoying his newfound freedom. He did say that it kind of feels too good to be true, like he's just waiting for his bubble to burst. I'm sure that's natural, but let's hope the next 3 weeks go smoothly.
And don't worry, he still misses me. I told him that I bet he was having so much fun that he forgot about his poor little wife back home on the farm, to which he so tenderly responded: "yeah right!"
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It's a site that scans your blog and makes a word cloud out of all the text. Are you surprised by the results?

I think what I'm trying to say is that if I could JUST GET through the WEEKS to see ANDREW, I'll be GOOD.
Oh man...21 days from today, I'll be packing for a 9:30am flight the next day. And I'll be a crazy person, for sure. Woo hoo!
Monday, May 3, 2010
packages of care
So, what made the cut? The cake, of course. Smuckers All Natural Peanut Butter, because I've watched him toil over many a jar, mixing it to the right consistency. A sacrifice worth making for good peanut butter. And because in the middle of the most depressing "I hate the food here" letter ever, he said: I just want a PB&J.
Keeping in the bitter theme, extra bold Espresso Roast coffee (a la Starbucks). He'll brew it strong, strong, strong and drink it black. I have to take over coffee-making duties when we have company, because he'll hurt their tummies without even thinking twice. He went on and on during one of our phone calls about smelling coffee from the Candio lounge a few weeks ago and I decided then that the boy needed some good coffee.
He also asked for his headphones so he can listen to Pandora on his iPhone. His wish is my command. And finally, forks. Because seriously, it's about time don't you think?
Tomorrow, the FedEx man will take this little package of care to my officer-to-be. And when he opens it, we'll be just 21 days away from seeing each other. 3 weeks. Less than a month.
Hallelujah for that.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
oh sunday