Mom, you better check on me that evening. Make sure I'm not watching The Notebook or Titanic.
Friday, January 22, 2010
navy update #42
Andrew found out his new OCS date yesterday morning: March 7th. Happy Day-Before-Our-Two-Year-Anniversary!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
guess where we're going?
Let me see if I can contain my excitement long enough to announce, that one month from tomorrow, we'll be on a plane to...
Oh, I don't care how old we are. We are EXCITED.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
ode to mi padre
In honor of his birthday, here are 5 reasons I love my dad:
- He was the world's best stay at home dad. When I was little, my mom worked during the day and my dad worked nights so that I didn't have to go into daycare. We passed the days with fishing trips, remote control car tracks, train sets and The Price is Right. He even learned to braid my hair in pigtails. Good memories there.
- He's super smart and interested in a thousand things. Any conversation that's being had, he can contribute to. And he knows what he's talking about. I love having random questions that I know he can answer.
- He's fiercely protective of his kids. When I was a sophomore at Carolina, this man drove an SUV through the crowded center of campus to "avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world." I watched the whole thing happen and had to jump out of the way to keep from getting hit. When I called my dad, hysterical, because I didn't know what else to do, his immediate response was "I'm coming to get you." Nevermind the fact that he was at work and the FBI/SWAT team had Chapel Hill on lock down looking for the guy, he was still coming. Because he would move heaven and earth to get to his kids if he thought they needed something.
- He's gotten softer in his old age. I've seen you tear up during the National Anthem, Daddy. Don't lie.
- He lives for making a difference. However he can get involved in the community to make an impact, he will. He's an example I'd love to follow.
Happy Birthday, Dad. I'm glad you were born.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
ol' broke toe

That's my new nickname for my dearest. His toe is indeed broken. And by broken, I mean "crushed". We were pretty disappointed to see the xray and hear the orthopedist's rather frightening description of the injury, as you can imagine. Andrew was supposed to leave for OCS on January 24, but since he's hobbling about, he's on doctor's orders not to go until after March 1. We're currently working with the recruiter to determine when the new date will be.
But as we tend to do when it comes to the random occurrences in our life, we're dealing with it. If there's one thing the Lord has blessed us with, it's perseverance. And the ability to see the silver lining. Here are 5 reasons that we came up with for why it's good that he has a few more months here...
- He won't be in Rhode Island in the dead of winter.
- He gets to watch the Super Bowl.
- The new season of 24 starts next week!
- He'll more than likely be here for our anniversary!
- He has more time to teach Rudy how to be a guard dog.
And I kind of like him, so I'll take whatever I can get :)
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